Spirituality for Today https://spiritualityfortoday.com Practical Spirituality Tools for Your Life Sun, 15 Nov 2020 01:25:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/spiritualityfortoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Spirituality-for-Today-Logo.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Spirituality for Today https://spiritualityfortoday.com 32 32 185591831 Is the frenetic “Monkey-Mind” Eating Your Zen? https://spiritualityfortoday.com/is-the-frenetic-monkey-mind-eating-your-zen/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=is-the-frenetic-monkey-mind-eating-your-zen Sun, 15 Nov 2020 01:25:53 +0000 https://spiritualityfortoday.com/?p=335 Read more]]>

I’m sure you know about “monkey-mind” – the inner voice that talks in your head all day long. You know, the one that says so many mean things? The one that never shuts up. The one that keeps you up at night worrying about things that happened a decade ago or haven’t happened at all.

Ya, that one.

Especially those of us who are ‘highly sensitive’ tend to have a very active and persistent monkey-mind. Not only can it neverendingly play back all the moments in life we wish we could forget, but often it even plays back ‘video’ in full technicolor, just to make sure we’re paying attention.

The thing about monkey-mind is that you don’t have to be at it’s mercy. Really.

If your mind tends to be filled with chaos, stressful thoughts, past failures and all the things that have gone wrong, then let’s start to change all that.

The thing with monkey-mind is that some part of your subconscious mind is actually trying to help you – it’s just not doing a good job. But we can show it another way to help, which it will, once it sees your goal.

The solution to monkey-mind is silence, and to create some silence in your mind, meditation can be the biggest and most effective key.


Because meditation is the art of finding the space in-between the thoughts.

So, if you have rampant monkey-mind, how can you ever meditate???

Easy. Start simple.


Breathe deeply, into the bottom of the belly. Feel your body filling with air. Feel how it feels to breathe in. Then slowly exhale, feeling the air leaving your body, feeling the muscles in your neck, shoulders and back releasing.

Then do it again. And again.

Just start with three deep breaths. Practice just that until you can completely focus on breathing and nothing else. If thoughts float in, simply push them aside. (I actually use an inner vision of a hand pushing the written words away in my mind).

When you can do three breaths with focus and inner silence, try six. Then a minute. Then five.

finding a new home = an exciting (and scary) adventure https://spiritualityfortoday.com/finding-a-new-home-an-exciting-and-scary-adventure/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=finding-a-new-home-an-exciting-and-scary-adventure Mon, 26 Oct 2020 18:37:53 +0000 https://spiritualityfortoday.com/?p=324 Read more]]>

You may be wondering what the picture and the title have in common.

Let me fill you in!

So, three years ago now, my husband passed, pretty unexpectedly. I found him and did CPR. Let’s just say that on that day, my life changed.

I’d created a life and had a plan for the immediate future – a future with my husband. We had been through a lot. He had heart disease from before we’d met, and over our 20 years together, he was hospitalized 11 times that I can recall. Stents, a defibrillator, one thing after another.

Then the year before he passed, he was diagnosed with cancer. After a battle we waged together, he was pronounced ‘clear’. He was in remission.

The next weekend, he was gone.

Needless to say, my plans died with him.

I’ve taken some time – more than I’d planned on – to recover. The whole thing was complicated by a series of losses – a couple of very good friends, my foster brother, my ex-boyfriend (then friend), all passed, and fires swept through my ‘home town’ – the only place that actually FELT like home – making it impossible for me to move back there.


I spent a lot of time thinking about what to do next. I love my house – we built it, and it’s exactly what I wanted. But… I have little community here, even after 12 years. I have a portable business, which by this point had petered out to almost nil, but I can build a business anywhere. I started thinking even more outside the box.

I decided that, with as little energy as I’ve had after all that’s happened, I needed to slow down. If I stay here, I’ll be back to working 60 hours + per week, just to pay the bills and the high mortgage. But… what if I didn’t HAVE a mortgage?


So I started looking around at other options for places to live.

Then I went to Italy.

Let me explain something: I’m not that brave. Going to Italy for a long vacation was out of my comfort zone, and while I had INTENSE moments of loneliness and isolation, I also made friends, talked to street vendors, used my Italian, walked probably a hundred miles or more, and just FELT GOOD…. for the first time in YEARS.

I was able to eat healthier. I could walk out of my hotel and go in any direction and find a little café with great salads and people-watching. And I walked, all day, every day. I loved it!

I talked to my friend about living in Italy, but we discovered it’s not the best government for expats, and so the search was on. I wanted to find a place in Europe where I can live mortgage-free, work less and have a great quality of life. For me, walking is essential. I had my ankle cartilage shatter in both ankles 12 years ago, and the only way to keep mobile is to keep walking, a lot. I want to be in a place where I can walk to the store, to the beach, to the cafés and be able to have that pedestrian lifestyle, or hop in the car and go explore.

I’ve always loved to travel. I’ve been to Egypt a few times, Europe a few times, Hawaii a couple of times. I’ve been all over the US, although strangely I’ve never been to many of the main national parks, even though I’m a wildlife and wildlands activist and conservationist. I speak about 5 languages – not fluently, but enough to get along, and when I’m in-country with a language, I’m more than conversational. I love cultures and seeing how places are different, but until Italy, I’ve always had my husband along for the overseas trips. Traveling overseas solo is a very different feeling. As a solo woman, I feel uncomfortable, but… I deal with it.

Probably the hardest thing for me is eating alone. I’ve NEVER liked that. I’ll admit to grabbing some food and scurrying back to my hotel to eat, but then, I’d go back out.

I had a chance to do something I’d always wanted to do, that my hubby was resistant to – I got to sail around the Amalfi Coast on a clipper ship. It was AWESOME!

It was also awkward for me. I was there with some people I didn’t know – we’d been booked together for the trip and shared a table at dinner, but for the rest of the time, I was mostly on my own. Many people on the ship didn’t speak English, and I was one of the few ‘solo’s’ aboard, so I struggled to go explore on my own. Luckily, I had one ‘friend I’d never met’ aboard, so we spent some time together on the trip. And I made some friends along the way.

It was challenging for me, coming out of such a long hibernation, then going out on an adventure of a lifetime, but I SO needed it. And being able to survive that, and actually have a great time, really is one of the motivators for me to embark on an overseas move.

I’m still leaving ‘space’ for things to change. I may end up having something come up that keeps me here, but unless that happens, I’m selling my house, packing up a shipping container and moving my entire life overseas.

When? Well, Covid ate my scouting trip, so timing is amorphous right now, but I’m hoping within the next few months.

My plan? As soon as I can travel (and be able to get back INTO the US!!), I’ll do a scouting trip, meet with my overseas realtor and look at houses, and if all goes well, I’ll make an offer on one before I even come home. I’ll put my house on the market, pack up my container and go. Poof!

Am I scared?


Will it stop me?


One thing I like about an overseas move is you have the expat community to pull friends from. I don’t have that here, and since I work from home, all my friends are scattered everywhere, with just a couple in my area. I want to go hiking, and I would rather go with others. I want to go biking, kayaking, adventuring, and while I WILL go alone, I’d rather not. But overseas, there are also Meetups, the expats, the language classes, and all the ‘getting to know my new home’ activities that will allow me to make friends in a way I didn’t get to here, because of my ankle issues. I’ve tried since then, but it’s hard when you’re not into the bars, don’t have kids, and are… well… ME. Pthth.

So, that’s part of how my life is about to change.

And, I’m changing my business direction.

And, I’m changing cultures and countries.

And, I may be losing my closest friend – my soul-bonded cat. Ack! THAT scares me. I’ve had SO much loss already, and he’s only 14. Hopefully he rallies and comes with me. I’m leaving a lot of things I love behind – my home, the nature, my raccoons and all the wildlife, my friends and family scattered around the country.

But I also hope to leave the isolation behind as well, and for that, I’ll brave anything. I’ll gain new nature to explore, new animals to meet and get to understand, and new adventures, and I can always come back to visit, so…. win-win.

Scary. Exciting. It’s all the same.

I’ll keep you posted as things progress.


(Oh, and if you have some fear coming up and want some tools to bypass it, you can download my free tools and tips here: www.spiritualityfortoday.com/releasefear)

What is spirituality? https://spiritualityfortoday.com/what-is-spirituality/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-is-spirituality Mon, 26 Oct 2020 17:43:04 +0000 https://spiritualityfortoday.com/?p=321 ]]> 321 I Don’t Know Why… https://spiritualityfortoday.com/i-dont-know-why/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=i-dont-know-why Mon, 02 Mar 2020 23:40:47 +0000 https://spiritualityfortoday.com/?p=73 Read more]]> … the Universe wants me to blog about my life and the unfolding of it.

I’m a VERY private person.

I’m not a ‘Look At Me’ girl.

But when I constantly get an intuitive ‘hit’ that I should do something, I do it. So… here we are.

I’m not sure who you are yet – I guess I’ll get to know you as you get to know me. As for me, right now I am a 60 year old widowed woman trying to figure out her life. What it will look like, where it will happen, what will I experience along the way, and now… you’re invited to come along.

I’m just getting started with the blog but have some videos ready to put up soon. I’m working on a few things at one time, so, be patient.

In the meantime – and as we go along – if you have questions, please ask them. If you want to sell me something, please just move on. If you have malicious intentions towards me, know this is a Karmic place where you’ll create your own payback. (A few things have happened over the past couple of years to cause those last comments – I’ll tell you about it eventually!)

Coming soon: world travels, inner journeys, brainstorms, insights, treasured moments, magic.
